Data Privacy Policy

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PETROSPHERE INCORPORATED is committed to safeguarding your privacy. Contact us at if you have any questions or problems regarding the use of your Personal Data and we will gladly assist you.

By using this site or/and our services, you consent to the Processing of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Policy.


For the purposes of this policy:

Clients – companies or individuals who would like to attend training, review or seek consultancy offered by PETROSPHERE Incorporated.

PETROSPHERE INCORPORATED –PETROSPHERE, PETROS, PSI, “we,” “us” or “our.” PETROSPHERE is a one-stop-shop training, review and consultancy company that caters to the needs and requirements of professionals and companies across industries.

Data Subjects – refer to all clients, trainees / delegates, employees, suppliers, service providers and other individuals or companies whose personal data information will be provided to PETROSPHERE.

Personal information controller or PIC – refers to the person who or organization that controls the collection, holding, processing / using of personal information.

Personal information processor or PIP – refers to any persons or organizations to whom a PIC may outsource the processing of the personal data information.

Suppliers / service providers – people or companies who provide products and services essential to PETROSPHERE operation.

Third-party accreditation organizations – companies who audit and accredit PETROSPHERE like DOLE OSHC, PRC and IADC. Such organizations may or may not require the sharing of personal data information.

Trainees / Reviewees / Delegates – people who will undergo training, review at PETROSPHERE and whose payment is either company sponsored or self-paid.

Google Meet, LiveWebinar, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Viber and other applicable applications – applications that can be used to conduct online training or meetings

ASHI OSM, PETROSPHERE Training Management System, Quickbooks Online, PETROSPHERE Online Academy (eLearning website) – are systems or web applications that serve as repository of delegates’/ trainees’ information, training and accounting records.


  • You have the right to be informed about the existence of your rights as data subjects and how we process your personal data information.
  • You have the right to reasonable access to your processed personal data information, to the contact details of the institution we shall be sharing your personal data information and to the identity of our personnel who processed your personal data information.
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data information, unless:
    • needed pursuant to a subpoena
    • collected and processed for obvious purposes
    • collected and processed as a result of a legal obligation
  • You have the right to request for the removal of your personal data information from our filing system if it is inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false or unlawfully obtained/ processed or we have violated your rights.
  • You shall be indemnified for any damages sustained due to inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawful obtaining or unauthorized use of your personal data information.
  • You have the right to file a complaint to us or to the National Privacy Commission if you think that your personal data information is inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained or used for purposes you have not authorized.
  • You have the right to request for the rectification of any inaccurate personal data information from the PIC.
  • You have the right to data portability. Data portability allows you to obtain a copy, manage and transfer your personal data information from one PIC to another. You can send a formal letter of request (via email or by visiting our office) to us to provide you with the electronic copy of your personal data information

Giving consent to collect your personal data information

Prior to collecting your personal data information, PETROSPHERE shall seek your consent to allow us to collect, process, use and share your personal data information according to this Data Privacy Notice.

Withdrawal of consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time should you think we have violated your rights and processed your personal data information not in accordance to this Data Privacy Notice. The withdrawal of your consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Contact our Data Protection Officer to process the withdrawal of your consent.

Changes to this privacy statement

From time to time we may update this privacy statement. If revisions are made to the privacy statement, we will update the statement with a new revision date.

This privacy statement was revised and posted on November 1, 2020.

How to Contact Us for Questions, Concerns or Complaints

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding the information in this privacy statement and/or our privacy practices, please contact:

Attention to: Data Protection Officer
Contact No.: +63 (48) 4330601

Or you may visit us in our Head Office: 3F, Daniel Alley Building II, National Highway, San Pedro, 5300 Puerto Princesa City Philippines.


What personal data information do we collect?

PETROSPHERE collects (but is not limited to) the following personal data information essential to our operations:

Full NameSignature
Date of birthBlood type
Permanent/ Current addresses/ Company AddressMarital status
Contact numberEmail address
GenderVideo recording via CCTV or any software or application
Contact details in case of emergenciesVideo/ Photo documentation of training
Medical certificate/ Health information/ WaiverGovernment-issued IDs / Other acceptable IDs TIN / SSS / Pag-IBIG Fund / PhilHealth numbers
Pictures / ID pictures
For employment: documentary requirements
For newly-hired: bank account details, if availableFor suppliers: government permits/ certifications

When and how do we collect your personal data information?

PETROSPHERE collects personal data information during the following activities (when) and through the following methods (how):

Data SubjectsWhen do we CollectHow do we Collect?
Trainees / DelegatesEnrollment· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE Registration staff
· Picture taking
· Video recording thru CCTV
· Training endorsement form, if applicable
 Conduct of training / review· Video recording thru CCTV
· Video recording/ screenshot thru online applications for online training/ Screenshot
· Video / Photo documentation of the training
· Email address, if needed
 Personal inquiry at PETROSPHERE office· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE Registration or Marketing staff
·  Video recording thru CCTV
 Participation in the course evaluation·  Course evaluation questionnaire facilitate by the admin assistant or Quality Auditor or other authorized staff
 Course inquiry· Phone conversation / email / PETROSPHERE online inquiry form
Clients / Suppliers / Service ProvidersMeetings outside office premises· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE representative
 Meetings via any software applications online· Video recording/ Screenshot
 Meetings inside PETROSPHERE premises· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE representative
· Video recording thru CCTV
 Course inquiry (clients)· Phone conversation / email / PETROSPHERE online inquiry form
 Course reservation (clients)· Web-based PETROSPHERE Enrollment Portal
· Email
· Training reservation form
 Prior to issuance of the first statement of account (clients)· Submission of TIN
 Prior to the preparation of first payment (supplier / service providers)· Submission of government permits/ accreditation
 Participation in surveys· Survey forms (printed or electronic)
Employees / On-call trainers / ApplicantsPre-employment process· Online application through PETROSPHERE HR Partner Web
· Fill out of application form, for applicants (hard copy)
· Online interview recording
· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE representative·        Video recording thru CCTV
· Submission of documentary requirements, for applicants
 Meetings via any software applications online· Video recording/ Screenshot
 During office hours· Video recording thru CCTV
· Video/ Photo documentation of the training
Government and Third-Party accreditation organizationsMeetings outside PETROSPHERE office premises· Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE representative
 Meetings via online software applications· Video recording/ Screenshot
 Meetings inside PETROSPHERE office premises·  Face-to-face interaction with PETROSPHERE representative
· Video recording thru CCTV
 Before scheduled audit·  Phone conversation / email
 During audit·  Video recording thru CCTV
·  Video / Photo documentation of the on-going audit, if necessary 


Why do we collect your personal data information and who have accessed to it?

PETROSPHERE collects your personal data information to:

Data SubjectsWhen do we CollectHow do we Collect?
Trainees / DelegatesRegistration Department· Comply with the requirements of DOLE OSHC, ASHI, IADC, MARINA, OPITO, GWO, TESDA for recording of trainees’ / delegates’ personal data information and for recording of training history
· Form part of our database for easy creation of reports / data to be submitted to the said organizations
· Submit evidence of course completion to the said organizations
· Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding the training
·  Have a means to contact family member in cases of emergencies
 Marketing Department·  For marketing collaterals (brochures, calendar)  and for posting on the website (photos/ videos collected during conduct of training)
· Posting of positive feedback (from email and CEQ) on PETROSPHERE website (Testimonials)
 Business Development and HSSEQ Departments· Documentation of training thru photos/ videos collected during conduct of training (including video recording of online training via Zoom application)
 Accounting· To process tax and issuance of official receipts
 Training Department·  Safekeeping of the video recording of online training via Zoom application
Clients / Suppliers / Service Providers Marketing Department (clients)· Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding our training and services (for clients)
 Registration Department (clients)·  Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding the products and services we require from our suppliers and service providers
 Admin Department (Suppliers / Service Providers·  Maintain database for easy access of contact details
· Documentation of meetings conducted via Zoom, Viber or other applications
 Accounting· For clients: To process tax, statement of accounts/ official receipts
·  For suppliers / service providers: To process payment, issuance of official receipts and submission of government reports
Employees / On-call trainers / Applicants· HRAD
· BDD and Training Departments (On-call TS/ Applicant TS)
· Verify identity and qualification
· Form part of the 201 file
· Have a means to contact family member in cases of emergencies
· Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding work
·  Maintain database for easy access of contact details 
 · Marketing Department· For marketing collaterals (brochures, calendar) and for posting on the website (photos / videos collected during conduct of training)
 · Business Development Department and HSSEQ Department· For documentation of training thru photos/ videos collected during conduct of training
 · Accounting·  To process payment for tax and contributions for SSS, Pag-IBIG Fund and PhilHealth
· To process and submit for personal loan application and visa application, if required
 · Department Head responsible for meetings via Zoom, Viber or other applications· Documentation of meetings conducted via Zoom, Viber or other applications
Applicants· HR Department and Department heads · Verify identity and qualification·         Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding application 
Third-Party accreditation organizations· BDD, Quality, Admin Departments· Establish contact (text message, call or email) regarding audit-related activities and other inquiries
· Photo / Video documentation of the audit
· Documentation of meetings conducted via Zoom, Viber or other applications 
 · Accounting· To process payment
Government Organizations· Accounting· To process payment per permits / accreditation


PETROSPHERE stores the collected personal data information in two (2) ways: hard copies and electronic copies.

Active and / or valid hard copies are stored in Head office and in each concerned Department’s filing cabinets for easy retrieval, if deemed necessary.

Inactive and / or hard copies beyond validity period are also stored in the Head office within the designated retention period of five years.

The electronic copies are stored in PETROSPHERE online server for a retention period of 20 years.


PETROSPHERE employees who collect and / or receive the collected personal data information ensure the lawful processing of the said data and the disclosure/ sharing to other authorized employees and third-party organizations.

PETROSPHERE shares the trainees’ / delegates’ personal data information to the following third-party organizations:

  • DOLE OSHC – Department of Labor and Employment Occupational Safety and Health Center – attendance sheets of all DOLE-approved courses, including video recording and screenshots of MESH, BOSH SO1, BOSH SO2, COSH, LCM, SPA, BBS, Industrial Hygiene and WEM courses.
  • ASHI – American Safety and Health Institute for all healthcare related courses such as BLS, ACLS, PALS, First Aid, EMR, among others. All training records are uploaded in the ASHI’s Online Management System.
  • MARINA – enrollment reports and Training Completion and Records of Assessment (TCROA) are sent to the email addresses provided by MARINA. Enrollment reports are also uploaded in MISMO.
  • TESDA – trainees personal data information are entered into the Online TESDA Training Management Information System (T2MIS).
  • Department of Labor – for request of employment-related documents (i.e., pay slip)
  • SSS/ Pag-IBIG Fund/ PhilHealth – for processing of membership contributions and personal loan application, as applicable
  • Bank – for personal loan application of employees/ for payment transactions for supplier/ service providers and third-party accreditation organizations, where applicable
  • BIR – for processing of tax
  • Foreign Embassies – for visa application


After the designated retention period, collected personal data information shall be:

  • Hard copies – shredded and disposed of properly
  • Electronic copies – removed/ deleted from PETROSPHERE online data center.


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This Policy may be amended without prior notice. Notification shall be made thru our website and / or via email.